Avior Group is a proud partner for the following:
QuantumSix’s RoSS Model™ For more info visit: quantumsix.com |
Mobile Black Belt We added Mobile Black Belt as a resource to analyze data using the latest in Mobile applications. For more info visit: mobileblackbelt.com |
Lean Multiplier Strategies Lean Multiplier Strategies resources have extensive background and state of the art knowledge of the Toyota Production system and Lean principles. LMS is an Associate Partner of Avior Group and we align our capabilities to provide maximum benefits to the clients we serve. For more info visit: lmscg.com |
Creative Leadership Group Creative Leadership Group is a team of experienced consulting coaches led by a former Disney Executive who assess and provide guidance for organizations to develop the highest form of internal and external service and team performance. They are very skilled at providing a strong cultural foundation for Lean Six Sigma deployments. For more info visit: creativeleadershipgroup.com |